Vacation: How to Keep Your Diet

Hey Everyone! I have got to apologize for not posting recently because I have been enjoying vacation in Dallas, TX, Coeur D’ Alene, ID, and shortly Southern California. I must say it has been such a wonderful summer so far but there is always the struggle of never being able to maintain your diet while on vacation. Well hopefully today’s post will give you a few ideas of how to improve your meal plan for your next planned vacation. Let me give you a few suggestions for restaurants and meal plans that may save your budget and/or diet.


Option #1 – Pack Your Fridge

For option #1, I would highly suggest this anytime you decide to go on vacation if you have access to a refrigerator. If space allows for you to purchase your own food, I would make this your first priority. A great place to start would be purchasing the basics, preferably organic if necessary. Veggies especially non-starchy vegetables are perfect for snacking. Let me break down our Basics grocery list for you. Proteins include chicken, ground turkey, tuna, and non-fat vanilla greek yogurt. Carbohydrates include plenty of sweet potatoes, and quick oats. Fats could include avocado and maybe even a little dark chocolate for desert. As far as veggies go we always have zucchini, yellow squash, celery, and cucumber.

Option #2 – Eating Out

I don’t think many people realize portion sizes served at restaurants are larger than recommended portion sizes. So when you decide to eat out, do be careful not to overeat. One trick my wife likes to use is asking for a box when the meal comes and put half of the meal to take home that way its out of mind and you’re not tempted. I would highly suggest a few places that offer gluten-free, non-GMO, and/or organic products. There are only a few select restaurants or fast-food chains that can really satisfy our diets. Our most recent trip up to Coeur D’ Alene was better than most vacations have been in the past. We were able to hit up our staple fast-food chain, Chipotle, and then we found another budget-friendly pizza joint, MOD Pizza. Let me give you a rundown of each of these two options.


Chipotle is our go-to choice if we can eat out, wherever we go. Chipotle uses fresh and organic ingredients, and their meat is “responsibly raised”. Their meat is derived from “raising animals humanely, without the use of subtherapeutic antibiotics or added hormones.” So one of the best options I choose is a chicken bowl with double white rice, fajita veggies (since their free!), lots of lettuce, and both mild and medium salsa. To finish it off, I use the chipotle tabasco sauce. And thats a wrap. If you’re macros allow for it, get a tortilla on the side to get even more food!


MOD Pizza was a new restaurant that I had never heard of before. Within the last year, a MOD Pizza was introduced to Coeur D’ Alene and it is one of the most fabulous pizza joints you can find. If you have never been to one, imagine the availability of Subway toppings and your favorite thin crust pizza place. You can order 3 different size pizzas (or gluten free crust with non-dairy cheese) and put any toppings you want on it. They have several different sauces, cheeses, meats, and lots of veggies. There is no price difference for the amount of toppings you want on it, and once your pizza is cooked to perfection, they will put some extra sauces on top if you please.  I could not complain about eating there 3 times in one week.

Option # 3 The Road Trip

During the car ride is where the majority of the unhealthy snacking happens. We all go for quick and easy or what is convenient. Whether it be from gas stations or cheap snacks at Walmart, they all have negative effects on our bodies. When my wife and I take road trips, which have been happening frequently, we stay away from processed foods. If its not in the car we won’t eat it. Our car snack list always includes fresh chopped veggies (they may not be the best tasting, but they will kill the hunger and are valuable to your health, Quest protein bars and chips, skinny pop popcorn, terra chips, my wife also makes protein muffins that are perfect for on the go. Other snack options are rice cakes, hard boiled eggs, mini sweet peppers, beef jerky, and portion nut butter packets.

Just remember, wherever you go to enjoy your time and company. If you indulge make sure to enjoy every second of it and never feel guilty. Don’t stress about all the unhealthy choices you are making, just try the best you can. Vacation is supposed to be relaxing not frustrating.




Travel Necessities: The Healthy Snacks

Alright guys! Welcome back to another day in the life of the Strong family. We are headed out to Texas today to visit my brother and his family for the week. We are super excited to travel this summer to North Idaho, where I’m from, and then Southern California, where my wife is from. So since we will be on the road quite a bit, I thought I would share with all of you how we can maintain our healthy lifestyle traveling.

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When you go out of town or travel, sometimes your health suffers because of the snack choices you make. I know in the past it has been quite a struggle and honestly just an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. “Oh, I’m on vacation, I can cheat here and there”. Well honestly, when that mentality comes into play, that is where you start to slip and allow yourself to get off of your routine. So let me share with you a few alternatives to keep you on track and stay healthy when you hit the road.

First let me share an idea of what your snacks may look like…as mind once did a couple years ago. My first instinct when I know I am about to get out of town is get snacks and goodies. Some of my favorites included candy bars, snack mixes, soda, energy drinks, and the works (sour gummy worms). I would stock pile some empty calories just because I enjoyed the taste of them so much. I never really cared about what ingredients or macros made up all of these snacks, I just wanted to devour them. So let me share with you the best alternatives that still taste fabulous and keep your macros in check.

The Alternative Line-up
Quest Chips – BBQ Flavor

These are a quick and easy snack if you are really craving a small bag of chips. Not only does it fill your chip craving, but you get 22g of protein packed into one bag with 130 cal! To me, I can’t pass that up. If I could eat a bag of tasty potato chips in place of a chicken breast (even though I eat them all the time), I will take it! So if you guys get a chance to snag a bag of chips on the go, I would highly suggest it!

Quest Bar – Oatmeal Chocolate Chip (JUST RELEASED)

As for another Quest product, I would highly recommend this flavor Quest bar. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip was just released yesterday, and it may be a new contender of America’s NEW Favorite Protein Bar. So with that being said, go to your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and pick up an entire box. It’s not worth it to get a single bar. I promise you won’t regret it! Not only that but you are getting another 20g of protein in 190 cal bar.

Skinny Pop – White Cheddar

Skinny Pop is another tasty snack to have that is light and easy to munch on.


Fruit will never get old to me. I love my bananas and apples and if you want to get some solid carbs in, heres the way to do it. Make some solid choices with the fruit. The one thing I will warn you about it getting too much sugar from eating lots of fruit.

Dark Chocolate Chips

70% or better cacao is crucial when snacking on some dark chocolate chips. So for those of you who have a sweet tooth, this is the way to go. 70 cal for a serving size of 30 chips…I won’t complain. Now I want to warn all of you chocoholics…please be careful and don’t over do it because once you’ve had a couple handfuls, you might be going over your serving size limit. So if you need a safety net, count out those delicious morsels, and then seal up that bag before it’s all gone.

Terra Chips – Exotic Potato with Sea Salt

If you are looking to satisfy your salt craving, these Terra chips are a solid choice. I have to make mention of how simple the ingredients are, one of the greatest pros about this snack. “Ingredients: A blend of exotic potatoes(ruby sweet potato[colored with beet juice], yukon gold potato, blue potato, sweet potato), expeller pressed canola oil and/or safflower oil and/or sunflower oil, sea salt. ” That is exactly it. No preservatives, fillers, or junk that is unnecessary in your chips. So check ’em out next time you plan for a trip. They are a great choice!

Well guys, that’s all for today. I hope you all have a great rest of your week. I will keep you posted with all of our adventures on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Follow me for more details! Thanks y’all and we will update you once we get to Texas. Look out for next weeks #MotivationalMonday.


The Quest Belief System: Part 1

Today I wanted to give a big thank you to those who put in a lot of effort and were trying to help me win Quest Nutrition Joy Remetta’s Superfan 16′ Giveaway. I want all of you to know that your efforts have not gone to waste but that I am pursuing a future with Quest. With that being said, I especially want to thank a Quest Team Member for their efforts in helping my dream become a reality. I am going to share the first 12 out of 25 of the Quest Belief System Goals with you and tell you what that means to me.

1. Human Potential is Nearly Limitless.

What can’t we achieve next? There are so many things in our future that can happen and I want to be able to express this same principle to those seeking to change their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. One of my life goals is to choose a profession that allows me to work on a personal basis with others and this is one of the steps of influencing others to reach their true potential.

2. Personal Growth is the Highest Priority of all Team Quest Members.

Progression is something we all see differently but Quest and I are on similar terms when it comes to personal growth. We all set goals but how many of us actually achieve them? Personal growth is measured in many different ways and this quote reiterates that more than anything. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”-Confucius.

3. You Can Acquire new skills in ANY Area at ANY Time.

Part of our progression in this life is to develop our skills and our talents. We have been given talents to learn what we are capable of but more importantly, what can we do to benefit others with what we have been given? Have you been able to develop a new skill or talent recently that you can share with someone else? If not, look for someone that can benefit from the opportunities you have been given.

4. It Requires Focus and Disciplined Practice to Acquire New Skills.

“The key is not spending time, but in investing it” – Stephen R. Covey. It is not easy to balance discipline, focus, and patience when we are practicing the new skills we are learning. Someone who has never gotten frustrated when practicing may have mastered the greatest lesson from practice. I can’t imagine having to practice and not being frustrated…you know why? I really don’t think I would come to appreciate the success I see after practice has paid off. I would take it for granted and my attitude would be totally different.

5. You Can Do ANYTHING You Set Your Mind To, WITHOUT Limitation.

For those of you who do not believe you can do anything you set your mind to, I am disappointed. There are incredible individuals out in the world who are excellent examples and role models of overcoming trials to accomplish amazing things in their life. I won’t even start on a list of people you know who have overcome difficult times to achieve new levels of success they never imagined in their entire life. Drive and persistence is power.

6. #5 is a LIE. But It’s an Empowering Lie. We Do and BELIEVE That Which Empowers Us.

There is great power in the mind that allows us to do the “impossible”. When we find that ability within us, #5 becomes a reality. We truly have the capability to do and believe those things that empower us. When we reach a point in our life when we are ready for this, it will come. Remember, “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it” – Lou Holtz.


7. It Doesn’t Matter Who You Are TODAY. It ONLY Matters Who You Want to BECOME and How HARD You Are Willing to Work to BECOME That Person.

This is another key to success is recognizing who you truly are. You must realize you are on a path leading somewhere and that somewhere is up to you. If you haven’t taken time to write down life goals, now is the time. Who do you want to become? What are you willing to do to achieve the goals you have set? Once you reach some of those goals, how can you continue forward with new goals? I promise that each of us can accomplish things we dream about if we put our nose to the grindstone and go after it. Make a legend of yourself so the generations of kids yet to come can look to you as their greatest mentor.

8. This is Quest University. Making Food Products is Just How You Pay Your Tuition. See Beyond Your Job Description to the Opportunity of Becoming the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

Quest is an opportunity to express who you are and display the skills you have developed up to this point in your life. When you become part of the Quest Team, I have a convincing feeling that it will be one of the greatest places to develop yourself ten fold. I don’t have any doubt that Quest would leave you in a worse place than where you started. There is a spirit about Quest that will inspire you to self-reflect and learn to make crucial improvements in your own life.

9. Quest is a SAFE Place to Make Mistakes.

“Failures are a part of life. If you don’t fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you’ll never change”. Let’s be real…what company has never made a mistake in getting to where they are today? I am pretty sure this relates to the refiner’s fire. We are put under pressure and brought to uncomfortable temperatures sometimes to purify ourselves and become a cleaner version of ourselves. This belief is inviting to those of us seeking a future with Quest, and I feel comfortable knowing that.

10. Mistakes are a Great Teacher to Those Willing to Admit That They’ve Made One.

If we are able to openly admit that we have made a mistake, we are humble enough to make the changes necessary and move forward. Pride is something that can be extremely difficult to cope with but those who have mastered the ability to be humble and key to have on your team. When you realize someone is humble, you know they are ready to be taught.

11. Share the Lessons Learned From Your Mistakes With the Rest of Team Quest.

If we surround ourselves with people who are only going to lift us higher, we will see exponential growth in ways we never could have imagined. When we experience hardships, there are 10 other people out there who have already experienced that and could have helped someone else prevent making the same mistake. Quest has a belief to share experiences with one another that allows us to become more of a family and watch out for one another.That is a really inspiring idea that a lot of business might wish upon others…to find out things for themselves the hard way.

12. Failure IS Temporary. Move Beyond It Quickly.

Failure is necessary. Failure is temporary. The more we focus on failure, the more time and energy that could have been directed. “The pain we feel is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit”. We go our whole lives having failed on a daily basis but how many of those failures have led to success?

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Keep an eye out for Part 2 next week. Thank you Quest for your inspiring beliefs to keep me motivated and striving for success 24/7. My life goals reflect your belief system as if I were looking at myself in the mirror. Thank you for the opportunity to enter in your giveaway. Click on the link or picture below to follow one of the greatest inspirations of change and determination to take his fitness to the next level, John Glaude (Obese_To_Beast).


8 Essential Refrigerator Rules

If you want success in your fitness journey, the following tips will help your diet significantly!




Alright, one of the keys to success is a tedious but must have in your fridge…prepped meals. Let me put it to you in simple terms…if you have a serious mindset about changing your diet, you can’t live without this. Every time you open the fridge when you get the munchies, you will see tupperware filled with portioned out meals waiting for you. This will help eliminate the cravings for junk food when you realize that you have to wait to eat your meal prepped food when the right time comes. If you end up prepping your meals, you will put in a whole days work of cooking and then you will not have to cook for the rest of the week. My wife and I meal prep twice a week but for an average person, you can get a week’s worth of food out of a long day of meal prep. It’s definitely worth adding this habit to your routine!




Eggs are a staple food that you have to have in your fridge at all times. You should never run out of eggs…end of story. Eggs are a go-to protein and source for key nutrients you need to keep up with your active lifestyle, whether you are a bodybuilder, powerlifter, outdoor enthusiast, etc. Eggs are about 60-70 calories per egg, contain 5-6g of protein, and have crucial “b-vitamins” like choline that our body requires for chemical reactions and can effect our nervous system. Whether you have a palette of 5 dozen eggs to cook with every morning or you like to boil for a snack later, you can’t live without them.


Milk (Almond/Fat-Free)

Milk is another staple in our fridge and won’t be leaving any time soon. I am more particular to the fat-free milk (or sugar water as some note) while my wife is a fan of almond milk. My wife prefers the Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk but to each their own, right? Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D but do look for the added sugar in milk. Typically “Fat Free” or “Reduced Fat” grocery items are the “healthier” option but be conscious of the exchange of fats for sugars. I use milk for my protein shakes (1/2 cold water, 1/2 fat free milk) and of course, my go to cereals.



Fruits & Veggies

Let’s be honest, ever since we were little, we always heard, “Make sure you eat your fruits and vegetables”. I can’t reiterate that enough at this point in my life and this generation of individuals. We have faded so far away from fresh fruits and vegetable and I really don’t think you can have enough (as long as it is within your daily macro count). Go to fruits and vegetables that are in my fridge are apples, oranges, spinach, asparagus (and bananas on the counter top). As for frozen fruits and vegetables I keep a nice amount of broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries, strawberries, and sometimes pineapple or peaches. These are quick and easy go-to foods to throw on a pan or put in a breakfast smoothie to make sure I get all the vitamins and minerals I need on a daily basis.



Protein (Chicken or Fish)

Chicken is an easy protein to throw on a pan, bake quickly in the oven, and use as your main meal prep ingredient. One of the greatest things about Chicken is you can season it to your liking without having to have bland tasting food. One of our most important spice brands to have on our rack is Mrs. Dash. They offer a few different flavors including my favorites, Southwest Chipotle, Garlic & Herb, Chicken, and Tomato Basil. I would suggest cooking chicken twice a week so you never run out or let it go bad in the fridge. Another quick and easy meal prep item is frozen fish filets. They are simple to defrost, broil in the oven, and are packed with protein and healthy fats!



Carbs (Rice)

Rice to me is another staple to always have on hand in the fridge. If you have the opportunity to get a cheap rice cooker, meal prep 3 cups of rice per week, you will never be disappointed. As for what type of rice I would suggest, I love Jasmine Rice and recently I have switched over to Brown Rice Jasmine. I don’t have a preference of Brown or White and don’t see significant health benefits of one or the other. Brown rice has slightly more fiber in it if you are looking to up your digestive tract speed! Rice is super easy to flavor and you can have almost any main course with rice. Don’t let this one leave the fridge anytime soon!



Healthy Condiments (Ketchup, Mustard, Hummus, Black Pepper, Hot Sauce, Plain Greek Yogurt)

Last but not least, I wanted to give you some healthier suggestions to keep in your fridge door. Ketchup isn’t my favorite condiment but some claim that is their saving grace. I prefer mustard because it is less than 5 calories per serving, gives a different twist on your food’s flavor and there are several variations of mustard to choose from. Hummus is a quick option to eat with carrots or a few crackers…as long as you keep track of how many crackers you have eaten. Black pepper is a quick spice to sprinkle on any food you may be whipping up in the kitchen. If you aren’t feeling mustard, shake up some Tapatio or Sriracha depending on the type of food. To wrap it all up, I would suggest replacing that container of sour cream with fat free, plain green yogurt. This is a saving grace of fat calories and replaces them with protein.


If you have anymore suggestions or questions, feel free to comment or email me! I wish you all a great day and stay STRONG!

5 Months Down…1 Body Changed

Gotu Kola was something I never knew about until about 6 months ago. I decided to take a chance with a supplement and see what it could do to change one of my greatest self-conscious flaws. This post will be focused on the change that has occurred since starting my Gotu Kola journey and what transformation still has yet to occur.

For those of you who don’t know, I started on this journey of taking Gotu Kola just about 5 months ago and have really put a lot of faith into what this “magic pill” could do for me. I have done my own research and came to the conclusion of “why not” jump with both feet in. I had some time to think about a few options in my future. Option one was, “Do I pay $50 for 6 months of pills that might help reduce the size of my nipple or even the gynecomastia that I suffer from?” or option two, “Do I pay $5000 for a plastic surgeon to alter my physical body and recover over the next several months to look much closer to the way I imagine?” I can tell you I went with option one, knowing that I want to do literally everything I can prior to a doctor making incisions to my body to achieve the physique I want.


When it is all said and done, I am going to consult with a plastic surgeon to receive the treatment I need so I can feel 110% better about myself. I am excited to see what those changes can do for me with self confidence and all. I hope to share my experience as well with everyone if and when that time comes. I am very cautious to alter the way my body looks but I feel in my heart I won’t ever reach the vision I see of myself until that day comes. What do you think?


Now this has been one of the most unknown outcomes I could have predicted in my future. As you can see there has been some change in my overall physical body from outside sources (lifting, eating healthy, etc.) but I want to draw your attention to my chest and the change that has occurred. I have seen physical change occur without a doubt and as I have seen my body change over time, I definitely feel more confident in my body. The difficult thing to think about is that my body had this imbalance of hormones in the beginning and now this is who I am. I cannot change the past but I will do everything in my ability to change for the future. I look to become a better me every day and hope to inspire you one day to see yourself in a similar light. I truly hope that I can further inspire each of you to change what you can within yourself.


We all have self conscious issues and I decided to share mine with all of you to help cope with the battle I fight inside every day. I think about why my body had to develop this way and why I couldn’t have a “normal” chest. What has this experience given back to me since I realized I didn’t have a “normal” body? All I know is I wouldn’t have as strong of a desire within to change the way my body looks. I would still find a love for fitness, health, and all but this has pushed me so hard to achieve greatness that much more. So my question to you is what are you wanting to change? What are you willing to change? How are you going to get there? What steps are you going to take to achieve it?

Watch this video and get a new look on your future!

Product Review: Lean Active 7

Alright guys, I thought I would change it up a little bit for ya and give you some product reviews in the future. I know I have shared a few workouts, social media hotspots, and all the rest but now I thought I would dive into some of the products I have been using with the Pros/Cons. Today I wanted to start off strong with one of the key ingredients I have incorporated into my supplement line. I’m going to give you the lowdown on a key source of protein powder I have thoroughly enjoyed the last couple years.

If you are newer to the bodybuilding world or just getting started with fitness and health, welcome. I want you to be excited about your future and making the changes you need to achieve greatness! You are on an exciting path preparing your body for the future. I started to become more serious about my health about 2 years ago and it has been one thrill of a ride, with all the ups and downs.


Lean Active 7



Nutrition Highlights – 145 calories consists of 30g of protein, 1g of fat, 5g of carbs, 4g of fiber, and 1g of sugar. I see these calories are made up by over 70% being protein! That is a solid protein powder if you are looking to reduce your caloric intake but keep your protein intake on point.

Flavor/Mixing Quality – Honestly, this has been one of the better proteins that I have purchased that doesn’t give you those chunks to chew on when you take a swig. Not only that, this protein makes for a fabulous addition to pancakes. Try mixing eggs, baking soda, bananas, Lean Active 7, and a hint of cinnamon for a protein packed breakfast to start your day off right!

Protein per Serving Size – This is one of the better proteins I have had that gives you a sizable 30g of protein for 1 scoop. This is something you have to be concerned about when reading the nutrition facts for your supplements. What is the serving size. Some proteins will tell you it has 50g per serving, but the serving size it 2 scoops. So keep an eye out for that when looking into supplements.

No Guilt – Whenever I decide to crack open the lid to my protein, I don’t feel like I have to really count those calories as I do others. I know they are quality calories, especially because of the protein/calorie ratio I mentioned earlier. Check the amount of sugar as well. Luckily, Lean Active 7 has only included 1g of cane sugar to sweeten it up. A lot of other proteins will have a higher amount of sugar to make your shake taste so flavorful.


Price – Sometimes I wish the price of all supplements were a lil bit lower but Total Nutrition hooks it up with a 25% discount when I order through them. At the end of the day, I usually get it around $50-55 for a 5lb tub. It depends on how quickly you go through a 5lb tub of protein but for the price/serving size, it isn’t completely out of the budget ($1.00/30g scoop).

Availability – I have to get my protein ordered and shipped by mail to me since I get it from Las Vegas. I have a friend who works at a Total Nutrition in Las Vegas and always gives me a good deal or throws in some extra perks for me with my order. Either way, Total Nutrition stores have been populating all over the country so it is becoming more readily available.

Alright, thanks again guys for the suggestions of what you want to see in the future. Let me know what supplements you are curious about and I will do my best to give you a review worth your while. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of you week and I look forward to getting feedback from all of you!


Watching These Might Affect Your Eating Habits

Hey Guys back here again for another great week! I just felt this week it would be necessary to talk about healthy eating, being one of the three pillars of health and a crucial part of your future. After finding this passion of health and fitness, I have done a small amount of research among all of the information out there to be learned and applied. I think today would be a great day to watch some videos that may inspire you to make changes in your pantry and refrigerator.

Below I listed 6 documentaries you want to consider watching in the near future that will change the way you look at a few things. I am open to new ideas of ways to diet and exercise so don’t knock it before you try it yourself. Some of these ideas may be the trick for you but you will never know until you try it our for yourself right? Just FYI, most of these are on Netflix. Enjoy!

1. Food Inc.

Food Inc. is a health film that covers the food industry from a corporate perspective. I really think corporate mindset does not have the average American’s best interest at hand…but I will let you watch and decide for yourself. It dives into our eating habits and how that has evolved over time. It shows you behind the curtain of the worlds most powerful food companies and why they want to disguise certain products from you and make ingredients in your food transparent. I hope this film will help open your eyes and raise awareness in understanding the importance of your food and how you can make the best choices in your personal life.

2. Fed Up

Sugar…do we really know what food and drink products have sugar in them? Think again…because this documentary dives into the “unknown” substances that are really “sugar” relabeled on packaging of processed items. It was shocking to me to see really how much sugar is in the foods we eat today, in comparison to even 15 years ago. Look at the significant change of healthy men and women once HFC (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) popped up on the map…it blew my mind! This documentary is narrated by Katie Couric and goes below the surface of the role sugar plays in the obesity crisis and how big business affects the staggering stats.

3. Food Matters

Food Matters is a health documentary that discusses why the foods we eat are so important. Have you ever thought about why we have all of these artificial medicines and man-made products? This documentary will tell you why and how food should be our medicine and why pesticides, gmo foods, pharmaceuticals etc… All do not make sense and are not in the true best interest of our population. I hope you can walk away from watching this having learned about the quality of food and how to differentiate the real health solutions vs. the fake temporary satisfaction fads which permeate our society today.

4. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Alright, I know there was such a big push for juicing at one point and time, but this documentary is worth watching with a nice glass of freshly juiced fruits and vegetables! This documentary opens up to a few individuals’ stories who were in need of some diet and exercising habits. It was a great documentary and I appreciate being able to learn new things all the time.

5. Forks Over Knives

The message that this documentary provides is pretty simple: plant-based foods are much healthier than the processed-based we have resorted to over the recent years. This documentary’s focus really is on the science behind having a plant-based diet and how it is the best way to go for our bodies. You may not be a vegan or have plans to become one, but the incorporation of Veganism really gets down to the point they are getting at.

6. Hungry For Change

Hungry For Change was a great documentary in my opinion. I really believe some people have a hard time making the shift to a healthier lifestyle and making good choices for their eating habits. If you or your friend think they can’t make the switch, tell them to check out this documentary and see if they are willing to start a new lifestyle TODAY! This documentary focuses on the underlying ingredients and facts that companies aren’t telling you directly and it is given from a man’s personal experience with it all. If you’re not convinced that giving up processed foods will make that big of a difference when it comes to your health or weight, watch this ASAP.

I hope you enjoy watching these films and don’t forget to make a better choice for the sake of your health and for future generations to come. Start with your own home before reaching out to others that may be in need. Shows others by your example how having a healthy lifestyle really can make all the difference!

Gotu Kola Experiment Pt. 2

Hey everyone, I hope first off you are having an incredible day and week up to this point. Lucky for you, tomorrow is Friday so enjoy the weekend!

Here is my latest update with my whole experiment in the world of Gotu Kola. I want to update you on my lifting program and some nutrition as well to give you an idea exactly what I am incorporating while taking Gotu Kola. It is important to know all variables of an experiment right? I don’t want any of you to expect magic results if I were to have additional variables in the mix. That would be unrealistic and unfair to you.


Workout Plan

As of right now, my focus for a fitness plan has shifted slightly. I am currently reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, and am developing a program from that. My program consists of lifts that are 75% of my 1-rep max for 3-5 sets. For upper body, I do 8-12 reps and for lower body, 10-15. My lower body routine, I have been focusing on hypertrophy through occlusion training.

I just started to keep a training journal to record where my lifts are at as well as be able to review my future goals.  I have incorporated cardio consistently by walking at least 20 minutes after my lifts on the treadmill at a 15degree incline. I typically walk at 2.7mph and will occasionally jog for 1-min intervals at 5mph. On leg day, I might change things up and ride a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes.


Diet Plan

As for a basis of my diet, I am always improving and trying to be as consistent as possible. My meals change and vary often but I always try to incorporate at least 30g of protein per meal.

Breakfast: I have been consistent with my first meal of the day as one of two things, either oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar and dried cranberries, or 6 eggs (2-3 yolks, 4-6 whites), 1/2 to 3/4 of diced sweet potato, and occasionally a slice of buttered bread.

Lunch: Lunch is slightly different depending on my lifting schedule. I have a few staple lunches on my menu I make. I have chicken and rice frequently, sometimes chicken salads, or chicken sandwiches.

Dinner: Most of the time, my wife and I have a healthy, creative dinner. Pinterest has always been a great help to think of healthy alternatives. Recently we have had salmon and rice or some sort of chicken dish. We definitely do our best to keep it on the healthy side. Green salads are also a good choice, but don’t forget to add some chicken or fish for your healthy protein on top!

Snacks: As I go throughout my day, I have a handful of almonds nearby, sometimes a rice cake with peanut butter, and other times, I have a protein bar. Promax Nutrition made me a featured fan and sent me Cookies and Cream Protein Bars. Definitely a good choice when you are looking for a boost in energy throughout your day.

Post Workout: Within 30 minutes of working out, I make a protein shake, with Fat Free Milk and protein powder with minimum 24G per serving. Below I listed the types of protein that I switch up.



As for supplements I have been taking regularly, I have a few. Every day I take my 6 Gotu Kola pills, a multivitamin and fish oils. Occasionally I take VPX Redline Hardcore Thermogenic and Glucosamine. Other than that, I try to get all of my nutrition from foods naturally.

For Pre-Workout, I will take C-4 and for post workout protein, I have a few choices. Right now I have 3 different proteins powders to choose from. I have Total Nutrition’s Nutracore Lean Active 7 (145cal with 30g protein), Grenade’s Hydra 6 (150cal with 24g protein) and Labrada’s Lean Pro8 (200cal with 25g protein)



26 Days of taking Gotu Kola pills and here are my results. As I mentioned before, I take 2 pills, 3 times a day (typically with meals). I truly believe looking at my results I am getting a better understanding of my body. As a side note, I recently had a friend get a breast reduction for gynecomastia and it looked great. He shared with me that typically the nipple is enlarged due to the gland that resides within. If I were to have that removed, I think that could be the ultimatum. I look forward to Gotu Kola’s effects 2 weeks from now, which is when I will be attending Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas. I might be making a video of our adventures of people we meet and different company booths, so look out for that.

10 Common Fitness Mistakes

Do You Make Any of These Mistakes?

This post I really wanted to focus on humbling all of the gym gurus who think they know it all…but more or less, for those who are continuing to learn through their fitness journey. So these are things that I am continuing to learn about and hope you won’t take offense to them, even if you feel you fall into any of these categories. My intentions are not to bring anyone down but to help in gaining more knowledge, because knowledge is power.

#1 Not eating the right foods

I have shared in the past how important eating a well-balanced diet with regular exercise will bring you the best results. Some people you may know have been given the gift of a fast metabolism and you see they are fit and eat whatever they want. In all reality, they may look healthy on the outside but the lack of nutrients that make up those foods really are hurting their body on the inside. Make sure you get your regular servings of protein, carbs, healthy fats, and don’t forget your veggies! Fresh is always better!

#2 Same gym routine

Every time you go to the gym for a certain muscle group or even total body workout, do you start the exact same way? I know I do, at least stretching my chest, shoulders, back and legs, prior to the muscle group I am  going to focus on that day. After you get into your workout, do you use the same machines, repeat last workout perfectly, even to the exact weight and repetitions? If you don’t change up your routine, you might consider doing that next time you visit the gym. Let me give you 4 hints that you may need to switch things up in the future. #1 Your workout is boring, #2 You aren’t seeing results, #3 Your workout leaves you more tired and sore than before, and #4 Your workout is no longer challenging.

#3 Improper form


Most of us have the inclination when we increase in weight to lose out on our form. This is crucial to have a spotter to help direct and guide you to correct form if you start to lose it. When your form is poor, you may not be engaging the muscle group you are trying to isolate in the first place. Lighten up the weight and really squeeze and contract the muscle in the exercise. You are not at the gym to impress anyone but yourself so keep your focus on point. It will be worth while to contract the muscle properly instead of looking like you can lift heavy weight and you end up injuring yourself.

#4 Choosing the wrong program for your goals

Depending on your routine and goals, you may not be using the best exercise program to best achieve those goals. If you make a plan, you can stick to it and be more efficient overall with your progress. has some great programs that you can incorporate next time you are in need of a well-written program. Some people seem to think they need to do mostly cardio to compensate for what they eat…and that’s not a good sign.

#5 Too much rest time

Honestly, how many people do you know that go to the gym just to socialize? I know sometimes I get caught up when people are trying to talk to me. I just wanna go to the gym to workout and achieve my fitness goals. I’ve got music playing while I am trying to get in the mood to pump some weight, and you won’t leave me alone. I mean when you think of how much time you actually spend lifting, it’s not very much. shared a few things about this subject. They say about 9min per week is used actually lifting the weight (3 min/day, 3x a week).

#6 Being a know it all

Don’t think you know everything about nutrition, the physical body, the hormonal process, and all the rest. Honestly, there is so much information out there that I don’t think you can every stop learning new things. As technology and science continues to move forward, new ideas and ways to workout will be discovered and developed. So the next time someone gives you constructive criticism on your lift or a suggestion, don’t take offense. Be open to new ideas and allow for change in your body’s physical progression.

#7 being judgmental at the gym (poor attitude)

Enough said…
But honestly I think it is great to see anyone at a gym. That means they have the motivation to put forth effort, in the way they know best, and achieve a goal they have set. Don’t let others get you down. We are all looking to achieve different fitness goals and you can’t judge someone based on how they look at the gym. You don’t know how many pounds they have lost already or even what it took for them to get there. Build others up and encourage others at the gym when you see them struggle.

#8 Not drinking enough water

I think I’ve touched on diet and exercise enough but make sure you include a good amount of water intake. Get rid of those unhealthy beverages and make the simple change to water. It is the best drink for you overall. Make it count!

#9 Skipping Breakfast

A lot of people will do this but it is the most crucial meal of the day. Eating breakfast gives your metabolism the kickstart it needs for the day, helps you wake up with energy, and who wants to skip out on tasty food? So start today or tomorrow for a change to eat breakfast if you have been skipping it in the past. Eggs and sweet potato hash browns await you!

#10 Not getting enough sleep

Sleep is crucial to muscle growth. I think to myself, what is productive to be doing so late at night. Do I really need to stay up this late watching movies when my muscles say otherwise? Getting in the habit of a good nights rest is key for your future. So don’t go to bed late tonight so you can wake up early tomorrow for your next gym session!


Body Fats vs. Food Fats

Fat in the Body

I bet at some point in your life, you connected fat to a negative context…always. As I continue to learn more about my body and nutrition overall, I have found out that fat is not entirely unhealthy as I once thought. When I was growing up and started to see my body develop, all I ever thought was I was fat, chubby, and very self-concious. I always thought the term fat was a terrible thing, but now I have a better understanding. Let’s do a quick recap before we get into the nitty gritty details!

Body Fat

A month or so ago, I reviewed what the two main types of fat for the body are. If you remember, we have visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Visceral Fat: Fat occurring between organs and inside the organs is referred to as visceral fat. Visceral fat is also referred to as intra-abdominal fat because most of it occurs inside the abdomen.” Subcutaneous Fat: “Subcutaneous fat occurs below the skin and in between the skeletal muscles”Ideal-Body-Fat-Percentage-Chart1

Those two types of fat relate to your body and how your body carries it in different areas. Fat percentages for an average healthy male is between 6-13% and wo
men is 14-20% (I am currently at 15%, continuing to work toward 8-10%). Below is a scale provided from There is a further explanation on their site to learn a little bit more about body fat percentages.Ideal-Body-Fat-Percentage-Chart2Ideal-Body-Fat-Percentage-Chart3

Fats in Food

Now that we have a base about our body and the range our body fat percentage falls within, let’s look at the different types of fats found in food. The first steps to eat the healthy fats in every day foods is to know where to find them and what to avoid. So where do we start? Let’s look into the fats to stay away from.

Saturated Fats and Trans Fats are known as the “bad fats” that can cause elevated cholesterol and increase your risk for disease.  You need to be aware of the nutrition facts on food labels to make sure you know what your favorite snack might be made up of. If you see any of the following items you purchase regularly listed below, I would think twice before you buy them. One more item I might add to the list below is frozen meals, which could be included in packaged snack foods or pre-packaged foods. An example of saturated fats would be bacon grease (liquid at higher temperature and solid at room temperature). P.S. Keep an eye out for ingredients like “partially hydrogenated oil” to avoid those trans fats.

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What about fats that aren’t the best for you, but better than some listed above? We might call this next group In-between fats. When we refer to “saturated” fats, that is indicating how saturated the chain of carbon atoms is with hydrogen – hence partially hydrogenated oils. Saturated Fats are suggested to be less than 10% of your daily calories. Tests have been done to weigh the benefits of replacing saturated fats with “good fats” with positive results. Results showed if you replace good fats for bad ones, your risk for developing heart disease will decrease. Now, let’s get to the good stuff!

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Good Fats mostly come from vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish. You know what a healthy fat is because it will remain in a liquid state (olive oil), unlike bad fats (bacon grease). Good fats are broken down into two more categories, Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fat can most commonly be found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, and most nuts, as well as high-oleic safflower and sunflower oils. Polyunsaturated fat is essential for the normal body functions, since our body does not make them. Polyunsaturated fats are also used to build cell membranes and the covering of nerves. Not only that, they are needed for blood clotting, muscle movement, and inflammation. So when you hear omega-3 or omega-6, those are polyunsaturated fats.These fats are recommended to be eaten often or at least to replace any saturated or trans fats.

So the next time you go grocery shopping, take the opportunity before hand to create a new list of healthy fats to keep an eye out for at the store. Just remember, a well balanced diet coupled with regular exercise will bring you the best results! I hope you learned something new about fats, not fearing that all fat is bad. Enjoy your week and I look forward to hearing from you in the future. If you want to read more on the topic, CLICK HERE for my reference link.
